Pepperidge Farm

The Final Product:

After two highly successful years placements of our Pepperidge Farm Smoker, Campbell's wanted a refresh, and requested a summer grill style display for 2023. 

Featuring a metallic silver powder coat, sheet metal hood, adjustable shelving, and various graphic nods to functional grills, this unit gets customers fired up to purchase all the summer BBQ staples. With over 500 shipped across the United States, our client thought we did a "grate" job incorporating all the classic grill elements into this refresh.



While sketching initial ideas for this display, a gas-powered grill was used as the primary source of inspiration. By incorporating recognizable design features to highlight the upcoming summer BBQ season, we hoped to encourage shoppers to explore the variety of products, perfect for all their grilling needs.



With a solid design direction selected during the sketching phase, our creative team was able to explore various merchandising and graphic options to drive the concept home. We also explored different display styles that would transform the base to create a unit that would change with the seasons; reflecting various holiday promotions.


This unit was designed not only to be easy to assemble, but also to transform into a "low boy" display that would remove any grill design nods at the end of the tailgating season. The metal hood and front grill weldment can be easily removed, leaving retailers with a multipurpose and portable display that can be merchandised year round.



Behind every great display order is a prototype (or two, or three). A concept on paper can turn out very different when physically mocked up, so the construction of a prototype provides valuable information to our team on what does and doesn't work.



The job doesn't stop once a display is designed and engineered. Understanding how a unit will be packaged, shipped, and assembled is where a lot of creative thinking and problem solving comes into play. A proper display packout can create substantial savings on shipping costs, and is integral in delivering an undamaged product to retail.


The order and orientation of each display's components and fillers are carefully considered to maximize strength and stability while minimizing weight and movement. Every single display that Spectas produces has it's own unique packout instructions.